Official BATTLE FORCES site and event announcements.
Freshen Up to Version 4.03

Hello Everyone,

We have completed an internal client software update. Everything appears to be operating well. However if you experience any difficulties, please let us know.

See you on the battlefield,

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A whole range of topics about BATTLE FORCES.
MMOEXP : The captivating world of Throne and Liberty

To enhance this guide, let's gather insights and tips from experienced players who have successfully conquered Taedal's Tower Floors 1-10 with the Longbow strategy.

"Take the time to observe your surroundings and patiently approach encounters. Precision is key, and rushing through can lead to unnecessary mistakes."

"Customize your skill loadout to match the challenges of each floor. Having a versatile set of skills allows you to adapt to different enemy compositions and puzzles."

"Pay attention to the environment. Sometimes, elements in the surroundings can be used to your advantage, whether for cover during combat or as clues for solving puzzles."

"Learn the attack patterns of enemies on each floor. Recognizing their behaviors allows you to predict and dodge attacks effectively."

Conquering Taedal's Tower Floors 1-10 solo with a Longbow at 1440p Epic Quality in is a thrilling and challenging endeavor. The combination of precision shots, strategic thinking, and visual clarity creates a dynamic experience that rewards skillful play. As adventurers ascend the tower, they will not only face formidable enemies but also unravel the mysteries hidden within each floor. Equip your Longbow, embrace the challenge, and ascend to new heights in the captivating world of Throne and Liberty.

Buy TL Lucent,trade safe TL Lucent at MMOEXP with a cheap price,fast delivery and the best service.Don't hesitate,order Throne and Liberty Lucent now!


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Organize and schedule matches. Find opponents.
FULL - World War II

MK am interested

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Details about player agreements. Standard NAP rules.
Official Standard Truce Rules

@SaintBernard said:

Personally, I believe there should be no guidelines for truces. A persons word is his bond, I had success in Battleforces by knowing who to trust, others who were sketchy, and new players who I kept my eye on. Made for more fun in my honest opinion. I enjoyed being dependable, therefore reputation ensured I had some early advantageous truces over other lesser known players. As we know from history there are nations, e.g. Hitler, who broke truces and it should be the same here.

The purpose of having guidelines or "rules" for truces are exactly to establish an accepted framework that is fair and reasonable to the parties that both can trust. Of course players can (and will) negotiate whatever terms they see fit in the end, and LOL regardless of how many guidelines or rules are established there will ALWAYS be players who break their truces/violate the terms. That's never going to change. My point is it's pretty clear that all the reasons you state for believing there should be no guidelines will be a part of the game regardless.

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Map building tips, feedback, suggestions and invites.
các cái MAI VÀNG hấp dẫn nhất Ở VIỆT NAM ngày nay

các cái MAI VÀNG hấp dẫn nhất Ở VIỆT NAM ngày nay

Mai vàng tên thường gọi là hoa mai vàng hay cây mai vàng (Tên khoa học: Ochna integerrima) vườn bán phôi mai vàng lớn nhất, với thể sống trên 1 trăm năm, gốc lớn rễ lồi lõm, thân xù xì, cành nhánh phổ quát, lá mọc xen. Ngoài thiên nhiên, số đông các giống mai vàng tự rụng lá vào mùa Đông và ra hoa vào mùa Xuân.

Xem thêm: mai vàng giống mua ở đâu.

Hoa mai vàng khi không sở hữu mùi thơm nồng thắm vào buổi sáng, và mùi hương sẽ mất dần vào các thời điểm còn lại trong ngày. do đó, chúng ta thường lặt hết lá vào tháng chạp âm lịch, để kích thích cho cây mai ra hoa rộ vào dịp Tết Nguyên Đán. người mua mang thể tham khảo thêm về Việt Nam có bao nhiêu loại mai vàng? Vườn mai vàng ở đâu đẹp nhất?.

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Scenario creating and editing. Scenario likes or dislikes.
Is there a classic spring 1942 WWII map?

Sad the admins never responded to this. I was just looking for the classic WWII version in the heads up format as well but what they have now is just that map divided into 2 players, instead of the 5 nations classic where one controls Axis and one Allies. I hope if the site is ever rekindled, this becomes available again. :)

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Upcoming tournaments and tournament suggestions.
Awesome idea that you just can't wait to play? Discuss it here.
XP Required for Advancement

He plays other things as well. In fact he's registered for a H2H Indian Ocean game right now, waiting for someone to join, if you want to sign up and play him.

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Need to vent? Do it in bad taste here. Not for the easily offended!
Lothanus breaks truce early

I have a 3 turn notice truce with Lothanus. He sends me notice in 2004 and attacks me in 2006. When I ask him what is going on, he ignores me.

Beware of future agreements with this player. He breaks truce

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Complaints about rule breakers and disruptors of the community. Begin your witch hunt here.

I agree, total ass. He attacks me and breaks truce because I didn't attack another player. Sounds like a 9 year old girl....

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A place to talk about everything else but BATTLE FORCES.
New Game Mechanics

What kind of madman would play this game on a phone? That said, good point.

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