ASSERT FAILED: not cargo of this transport!248Transport:243Troop
Please report this to:
Game:514684192 SID:22-00000000000000000000-0000
Unable to slect any troops for movement
[FIXED] Assert Failed error - game frozen
ASSERT FAILED: not cargo of this transport!248Transport:243Troop
Please report this to:
Game:514684192 SID:22-00000000000000000000-0000
Unable to slect any troops for movement
Thank you. Looking into it.
It appears that Agent Smith's SAM has taken it upon itself to carry 2 of Robo Cops infantry down in Antarctica. Pink infantry riding a blue SAM... the same game it also appears that there is a tank free-floating in the Java Sea. Related issue?
Good eye. That will definitely help.
Actually the tank is on the island. Just not the part of the island inside the circle.
But the sam launcher, thats trouble. I like how it is carrying another player's too. Definite bug.
Fixed. That was a tricky one, and a vital one to fix.
It would only occur if a player was eliminated due to capital loss while having cargo on a transport. The cargo was not properly destroyed.
Thank you both for the report and for your help with the clues.