In team games, if one player quits mid-game I think the default should be to allow team mates to submit turns and not have the quitting player go on auto-play. For FFAs and H2H games the auto-play makes sense, but in team games it is a huge disadvantage.
[DONE] Remove Auto-Play For Deadbeaters In Team Games
Fair suggestion. We had thought about this a bit when we implemented it.
Other players in support of the change? -
Yes please
Ok, to balance fairness to the opposing team, as they do not want to wait forever for a turn if the other team is entirely absent, we have deployed the following.
In team games:
If a player misses a turn, their teammates can play their future turns. (same as before)
It will take two missed turns instead of one to go on auto-play. So if the teammates continue to complete the turns for the player, it will never go on auto-play. (new change)
Non-team games will be unchanged in auto-play behavior.
Thank you for your feedback. This change is now live.
This will help greatly with lowering potential dissatisfaction of new players who enter team games. Getting stuck with a dead-beater who goes on auto-play in one of someones first few games on the site is the kind of thing that can make them look for their gaming fix elsewhere. This change will help with retention.