It works. This is just the forum. On the main page click on the battleforces.com in the upper right corner and it will bring you to the games page. There are 2 H2H games waiting for another player open right now

I sent an email to Humancube to inform them of the problem. Unfortunately the automatic email that comes back states that up to 60 hrs is the wait time for a response

I've tried several times, and with more than one game, to submit a turn but they are not being accepted.

He plays other things as well. In fact he's registered for a H2H Indian Ocean game right now, waiting for someone to join, if you want to sign up and play him.

OK, things are weird and I can't figure it out:
-A new WWII game just started and it DOES seem to have the right units in the right places, so I checked the map by trying to make a scenario using the same map (i.e. I clicked on the map name, "World War II", and proceeded from there.
-This is where thing get weird. No ships...at all. I went back one screen to where I select which types of units will be allowed and it clearly shows that all types of ships are selected and yet when I go back to the screen were starting units are selected, again no ships for any players.
I don't do very much game creation so maybe this is just me not knowing how things work, but it seems like something is amiss.

For further comparison, at the rate that the 3 most active players are playing it will take them 18 - 20 years to get their XP to 150,000.
To have a scale that will allow players to advance at a reasonable pace it should be adjusted to something like this:
It would still take a player like myself 5-7 years to reach 15000 XP which is much more reasonable than 75 years. A highly active player like Flokke could make the climb in about 4 years which seems right for someone who puts in that much time.
Makes sense, right?

I can't imagine that this was intentional, so I'm posting it as a bug report.
The starting units on the WWII map have been changed. Germany, USA, and UK are missing ships. I checked the units by using map#40005 to create a scenario and it clearly shows that the ships are not selected to appear on the drop. Additionally, some territories (England, Western USA, and probably others) no longer have a sea zone designated. There are probably other changes too but those are the most glaring. I know changes have been made intentionally in the past, but they were subtle and done to balance play. These changes are drastic which leads me to believe there is a bug involved.

Turn submissions are not going through. I tried several times. Sending an email to Human Cube...

No, there are not many active players. I would guess that there are less than 20 that currently play in games against other live players. A wee bit of advertising would do wonders.

So, I was just looking to see when my next promotion would be and I realized that the XP required for the higher ranks is off the charts. I've been playing more than most (not THE most, but certainly more than most) and after 2 years of playing my XP is ~4100. In order to reach the highest rank a player needs 150000. At the rate I'm playing that would take close to 75 years and my wife already thinks I play too much.
This is less of a suggestion, and more of a pointing out of an error. The numbers for the higher ranks NEED to be adjusted downwards...significantly.

Is "Forces Persist" still an option when creating a game?
P.S. Now that I'm back into playing again on the regular, the inability to select any player, at any time to send a message to, whether group, or individual, is really starting to get annoying. I even miss the ability to send a message to an individual member of an opposing team. The whole system used to be open ended, now it is HIGHLY confined.

I just tried to find a forum post on the old site, but it appears to no longer be available. It there a link to the old forums?

Is there any possible way to reconfigure the in game messaging system to allow for group messages? The old messaging system was in my opinion, and everyone else's with whom I've discussed it, far superior. The "new" one has changed one of the fundamental aspects of the game, the ability to coordinate with more than 1 person at once in an FFA (and no, it is not reasonable to expect the time requirements involved and the lack of clear understanding in trying to coordinate without the option of a group message).