Battle in Java Sea, i lost loaded transports before I lost destroyers and cheaper forces. Shouldn;t losses be taken in reverse order of value???
[FIXED] World Powers #982660147
It seems that the value of the units on the transports are not being counted for total unit value as it always used to be. If this is happening with transports perhaps it is also happening with carriers.
EDIT: WWII game #823347581 currently shows the same thing happening in the Midway Sea.
Definite bug for transports, working on a fix.
However carriers never counted aircraft, nor will they. -
Found and now fixed.
I lumped carriers in with transports because they both lack the ability to have a "chip" represent 10 units in a stack and they can both "hold" other units. I think I therefore erroneously applied the combined units value to them as well, but upon reflection it seems logical that the combined units value only applies to transports as the planes on the carrier would be lost in combat before the carrier (sub sinkings aside) so their value is irrelevant.
so question, loaded transports worth $50 are they now hit after destoyers and carriers or just after unloaded transports and sub now/
Mortem tuam velociter non veniet
They are hit based on unit value, so yes, the highest value possible is $50 for a transport with 2 tanks.
@BlindAssassin said:
so question, loaded transports worth $50 are they now hit after destoyers and carriers or just after unloaded transports and sub now/