
Sad the admins never responded to this. I was just looking for the classic WWII version in the heads up format as well but what they have now is just that map divided into 2 players, instead of the 5 nations classic where one controls Axis and one Allies. I hope if the site is ever rekindled, this becomes available again. :)

posted in Scenarios read more

@SaintBernard said:

Personally, I believe there should be no guidelines for truces. A persons word is his bond, I had success in Battleforces by knowing who to trust, others who were sketchy, and new players who I kept my eye on. Made for more fun in my honest opinion. I enjoyed being dependable, therefore reputation ensured I had some early advantageous truces over other lesser known players. As we know from history there are nations, e.g. Hitler, who broke truces and it should be the same here.

The purpose of having guidelines or "rules" for truces are exactly to establish an accepted framework that is fair and reasonable to the parties that both can trust. Of course players can (and will) negotiate whatever terms they see fit in the end, and LOL regardless of how many guidelines or rules are established there will ALWAYS be players who break their truces/violate the terms. That's never going to change. My point is it's pretty clear that all the reasons you state for believing there should be no guidelines will be a part of the game regardless.

posted in NAPs and Treaties read more

I'm infamous! Wait, that's not right.

I'm notorious! Errrr, no...

I guess immortalized for the life of youtube it is!

posted in Announcements read more

Also while we're at it, one other thing. I'm in a game that has early victory conditions of 4 capitals, which was achieved, but the game didn't end. It's a traditional WWII map, I'm Japan, Germany was taken and eliminated, so the Allies had 4 capitals. That situation only lasted a couple turns after which I took Eastern US and eliminated them, but still based on the game conditions it should have been over already.

This must have been a longer standing bug as they took Germany more than 2 days ago. The broken ability to start a turn while playing for a team mate is new, broke by this release, as that functionality had been working fine until this release.

posted in Announcements read more

The update broke the play for a teammate function. I'm in a game where one of our team has never showed up, and I've been playing for them. I still have the "play for xxxx" button on the main page, but when I enter the game map with this button, I'm no longer given a "start turn" button to input his turn. The red box in the lower left that says "playing for xxxx" is still there, just no way to start the turn and input moves.

posted in Announcements read more

Mateusz I'm on 2 wait lists with a slot open in each, come join and we'll relive the old days lol.

posted in General Discussion read more

Just stopped back in as well to see what was up. I too missed the fun of the game. Seems dead. I did get in a game after several days now but it doesn't even load half the time. And there's no players left. Very sad.

posted in General Discussion read more

Good point Jacob.

Maybe if it can't be differentiated easily in the stat, the way to surrender is to vacate the capital and just click submit til they take you (usually when surrendering the enemy is not far off anyway).

posted in Feature Suggestions read more


Any reason given why this format isn't included in the basic list? This is one of the staple game formats, not sure why it would be scrapped (save for player created games)?

posted in Player Gathering read more

I don't see it, did it fill already?

posted in Player Gathering read more

Yeah, def bug then.

posted in Bug Reports read more

It sounds better than matts suggestion. Almost every single non-serial deadbeater has missed a turn here and there, matt and myself included. I'm not opposed to ranking penalties for deadbeating but missing 1 turn is not only way over the top it's technically not even a deadbeating until they miss 2.

Remember the point is to punish the people who chronically miss turns, not someone who gets home late from work or has their internet come down during a big storm. and is forced to miss a one off.

posted in Feature Suggestions read more

@AnonymousGaming said:

That may have to do with someone being on autoplay. I'm not aware of the specific situation but just a thought.

This was the case in the legacy system for deadbeating.. a deadbeating player never had the green dot but the turn advanced without having to wait the full period for them every single turn. Autoplay did get the green dot however (right at the start of the new turn).

posted in Bug Reports read more

Yeah, sorry we are limited to 3 games now.

posted in Player Gathering read more

They are hit based on unit value, so yes, the highest value possible is $50 for a transport with 2 tanks.

@BlindAssassin said:

so question, loaded transports worth $50 are they now hit after destoyers and carriers or just after unloaded transports and sub now/

posted in Bug Reports read more

I can confirm issues 2 and 3, and also the further issue posted by BA... I have only messages through 2002 and nothing since.

posted in Bug Reports read more

This is a minor thing, but the Brazil factory looks like it's sitting up in Venezuela. I have tried moving it manually each turn but the next turn it's back up in Venezuela. lol

Also, how do we post images in this forum?

posted in Bug Reports read more

Ok, so now would be a great time to add an undo zone feature. For example, I move a large group of units, we'll call them A. Then I move large group B somewhere else, then large group C. I later decide I want to change what I'm doing with group A. Current choices to undo them are to right click and undo each individual unit in A, or to undo the whole turn and have to remove B and C that I've already done. Both are a PITA.

So a 3rd option, like right clicking in a land or sea zone and being able to "undo all units moved into this zone" would be awesome. :)

posted in Feature Suggestions read more

@BlindAssassin said:

Well I notice we finally got the destroyer price down to $25 and that carriers can now carry 4 fighters instead of 2 (we may want to reconfigure the startup for Hex armada accordingly).

Woah! You have been gone a long time! :fast_forward:

posted in General Discussion read more

It took a little bit (I wasn't sure where to look) but I found it and joined.

posted in Player Gathering read more