
I agree, you can't trust him. I don't even answer back when he wants a NAP because I know that he's going to screw me over. anger:

posted in Cheating & Abuse Reports read more

When I go to play a game, either new or in progress, I open the game , make my moves, submit turn and this is where it falls apart. After I hit submit, all the moves are kicked out and it resets to the previous screen. As far as I can tell this ugly, little bug showed up yesterday afternoon.

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@BlackMamba Well, I 'm currently playing this map w/ 2 humans and 2 bots. Hope we can do the 10 player version before New years.:persevere:

posted in Player Gathering read more

This may be a wacky thought but possibly everyone is afraid of this game since it has the word {** Dead** } in the game title.

Perhaps {*** Troubled*** } Waters 10 Man Madness has a better feel to it? :innocent:

posted in Player Gathering read more

I think I have found a way to get this game rolling so often that we may have to put brakes on it just to catch our breath.:astonished: Now, pick your jaws up off the floor and listen up:

All new players must complete 1 Afrika game, to get their feet wet. I suggest that all new players must register immediately afterwards in this 10 person game or some other multi-player game to meet many of the other "friendly and helpful" players and to get a feel of a large scale war game.
It can played in tandem w/ other matches but it must be completed as their other games are being played.

That's my brainstorm: clap: and it may be hard to top:innocent: :laughing: but feel free to comment, change it, trash it, enhance it or toss another idea into the hat and let's play.

posted in Player Gathering read more

That's such a great name , "Guns-A-Go-Go", just rolls off the tongue.:boom: :boom:

posted in Grab Bag read more

Can we possibly just put 4 bots to replace 4 humans and start the Game.? Or am I way off base with that alternative?:grey_question:

posted in Player Gathering read more

Serial deadbeaters??, Really?? Class A Felony??

posted in Feature Suggestions read more

I think they should be eliminated from said game after they miss the 2nd turn, their territories go neutral and they are placed last w/ zero points. End of story. They will soon stop that annoying behavior.

Can we please put this subject to bed. You have been harping on it for almost 5 years now, seriously, find a new pet peave, pleaaese......anything but this. Thank you.:unamused:

posted in Feature Suggestions read more

Great. Good to know. Thanx!

posted in Scenarios read more

I don't see "ITALIA 2012 v. 2" by LayerCode. custom map 2565... If it's not on the list is it possible to have it included and ported over? I've enjoyed that map very much as I'm sure many other player have also..

posted in Scenarios read more

@Jacob I was wondering what was going on with that game.

posted in Bug Reports read more